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Word “accepted” with asterisk written in white letters on a black background

Let’s Finally Tackle the Problem of Pay Inequity

Higher ed must go beyond buzz words and stop hiding behind performative equity, which does not create change, writes Rochelle Sennet. 

Mother using smart phone while with her baby in a baby carrier

We See You, Student Parents

Alex Rockey recommends eight principles for transforming academic access for them through mobile-friendly courses.

Ladder leading up to a red-and-white bull’s eye

A Primer for Prepping for Tenure Review

Kate Vacek and Letitia Henville offer tips for academics who've just landed their first tenure-track job about how to advance and succeed.

Back view of student raising his hand to answer a teacher’s question in class while other students look down and don’t have their hands raised.

The Problem With Participation Grades (and How To Solve It)

The benefits are well documented but the practice can be subjective and prone to instructor biases, warns Anna Broadbent.

Young woman wearing headscarf shakes hands with another woman as if in an interview

Ensuring International Students’ Career Success

Sherry Wang and Merab Mushfiq offer several strategies to help international students overcome the challenges their North American peers don’t confront as often.

Hazy scene of protestors holding flags and placards

Negotiating in a Protest Encampment

George R. Boggs shares what he learned years ago that remains relevant now, as well insights from today's context that he wish he'd known then.

sketch of a board game with the title “Boundaries!”

A Challenge for TAs: Establishing Boundaries

Many teaching assistants feel tension between the demands of teaching and honoring their own personal and professional needs, writes Ed Himelblau.

Hands of people of various races holding generic protest signs

Immediate Conversations Required

Peter Eckel and Rob Farrell advise presidents on how best to engage boards during the campus upheavals over the Middle East conflict.