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Faculty, Staff Turnover Rates See Post-Pandemic Decline

Scaling Up: Advising Advisers
The University of Pittsburgh provides professional development opportunities for academic advisers and others who support students through mentoring in a virtual summit.

Biden Administration Finalizes Overtime Rule
The updated regulation will require colleges and universities across the country to either raise staff salaries to $58,656 or grant them overtime pay by Jan. 1, 2025.

Advising on Classes, Life and Anything Else
The University of Central Florida streamlined student supports by merging the roles of academic adviser and student success coach roles into one.

Annual Provosts’ Survey Shows Need for AI Policies, Worries Over Campus Speech
Many institutions are not yet prepared to help their faculty members and students navigate artificial intelligence. That’s just one of multiple findings from Inside Higher Ed’s annual survey of chief academic officers.

Lincoln Alumni Outraged by Reinstatement of President
An investigation cleared Lincoln University of Missouri’s president of charges he’d bullied an administrator who died by suicide. Some alumni and students object to his return.
Higher Ed Workers Seek to Coordinate Nationally
A group called Higher Ed Labor United is trying to overcome the silos that divide unions and keep them from working together against the many threats to colleges and universities.
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