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Roadmap of College Credit for Military Experience
University of North Carolina’s new tool translates military occupations and training to nearly 7,000 matches for college courses across its 16 universities.

How a ‘Post-Generational Society’ Might Reshape Higher Ed: Key Podcast
Mauro Guillén discusses The Perennials and a world that blurs the boundaries between schooling and work across a (longer) lifetime.

Can Microcredentials Bring Stop-Outs Back to College?
A swath of learners who left college before earning a degree say microcredentials and credit for prior learning could entice them back to college, according to a new survey.

Untraditional Programs for Nontraditional Students
Eight California community colleges are developing programs to help adult learners earn degrees faster and more efficiently.

How Long is Healthy?
A longtime president's controversial medical leave highlights issues of leaders' age, health and time in charge.

Too Old for Tenure
Getting tenure is never guaranteed. But two American U. professors say they don't know what -- other than their age -- could have counted against them in their recent tenure denials.

Unprofessional Tenure Denial?
American U. says it has track for those with non-academic careers who want to join the faculty. A suit charges that the university only values traditional academic credentials.