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A photo of Northwestern president Michael Schill and Rutgers president Jonathan Holloway.

Campus Leaders Stand Their Ground Before Congress

In previous hearings, presidents equivocated on moral questions or were accused of throwing faculty under the bus. This time, leaders pushed back against lawmakers.

A photo illustration of the leaders of UCLA, Rutgers, and Northwestern set against a photo of the U.S. Capitol.

Who Are the Campus Leaders Headed to Capitol Hill?

Unlike their predecessors in the hot seat, the leaders set to face Congress today are all men who have been in the job for at least two years—and two head public institutions.

A photo of protesters at UCLA.

A Tale of Three Protests

An encampment at UCLA sparked violence, while Rutgers and Northwestern reached deals with protesters. Now the leaders of all three institutions must answer to Congress.

Photo illustration showing scenes of campus protests, police and Virginia Foxx, chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

College Leaders Testify on Capitol Hill

A House committee questioned the presidents of Northwestern and Rutgers universities and the chancellor of UCLA about their responses to campus antisemitism and student protests. Inside Higher Ed’s live coverage of the hearing is here.

Pro-Palestinian protesters carrying a large Palestinian flag at the University of Michigan graduation

Ultimatums and Deals for Some Remaining Protesters

Student demonstrations may be dwindling, but they haven’t disappeared. Campus leaders continue to respond to the encampments using a range of approaches.

George Washington University graduates holding a sign with the words “Dive$t Now.”

What Makes Current Divestment Demands Different

Student appeals for colleges to stop investing in firms that support Israel’s war effort are complicated by state laws, political risks and global market complexities.

A photograph of people marching and holding signs that say “UAW On Strike Unfair Labor Practice.”

UC Academic Workers Strike Over Pro-Palestinian Protest Arrests

A walkout at the University of California, Santa Cruz could spread to other campuses in the state. The university system is calling the strike “illegal.”

A group of protesters gather outside a building at MIT.

Interim Suspensions Leave MIT Student Protesters Stranded

The university, which is home to a large number of families, gave suspended students a week to find new lodgings. Administrators said they acted in the interest of the rights of everyone on campus.