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International Education in an Era of Climate Change

A new network of international education professionals is trying to get the field to face the crisis of climate change -- and the carbon emissions generated by student air travel -- head-on.

Study Abroad Numbers Continue Steady Increase

The number of Americans studying abroad increased by 2.7 percent in 2017-18 compared to the previous academic year, according to annual "Open Doors" report.

Building Capacity for More Study Abroad

Colleges are looking for ways to increase student participation rates in study abroad programs and to target particular populations that haven't historically studied overseas.

Global Higher Ed in Changing Times

Panelists at Inside Higher Ed-organized event discuss international student recruitment and keeping their institutions global amid political headwinds and public skepticism of internationalization activities.

Faculty Vote to End Israel Study Abroad

Pitzer professors seek to suspend the college's program at University of Haifa as study abroad becomes target for supporters of Israel boycott.

Study Abroad Numbers Grow

The number of Americans studying abroad continues to increase and grow more racially diverse. Participation in short-term programs is booming, while the number of students studying abroad for a full year is decreasing.

A Study Abroad Boycott

A second instructor at the University of Michigan declines to write a letter for a student to study in Israel, citing support for the boycott, and a first professor who refused to write a letter is disciplined. Meanwhile, Israel has detained and ordered the deportation of a U.S. student for her support for the boycott movement.

HBCU Students Abroad

As HBCUs seek to grow study abroad, they send students to a more diverse mix of destinations outside traditional student stomping grounds in Europe.