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Watch This Video!

Remember Abbie Hoffman’s “Steal This Book!”? Transformed, “Watch This Video!": Bruce Schneier needs no introduction but he deserves, once again...

Catching Up

Hello, Readers! While I was on vacation, much has been going on in the national IT policy arena. I will...

The Future of the Academic Library

In the next few blogs I will highlight some moments from the Institute for Computer Policy and Law held last...

Institute for Computer Policy and Law: Day 4

We had three knock-out sessions on Day 4. Nothing I say here will compare with simply watching the videos:…...

What the Copyright Ruling Means

A new ruling from the United States Copyright Office that is making the rounds in higher education and blogosphere circles...

Day 2 of ICPL

This is an outstanding year for ICPL! The quality of the presenters, their presentations, the attendees and their participation ranks...

Internet 102

Steve begins his second presentation with a primer for FERPA in the electronic age. He is the expert on the...

Law and Policy in IT: Internet 101

Hello, readers -- welcome to the unofficial launch of my new blog on Inside Higher Ed. I'll provide a fuller...