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Free MOOCs Face the Music

In its quest to find a sustainable business model, online course provider edX will test charging users for access to previously free content. Observers say the move was inevitable.

Bringing Microcredential Providers in From the Cold

The alternative credentials universe grows every day, but how much do we know about it? Very little, argues Cliff Adelman, who proposes constructive ways to lift the fog.

Harvard Goes Outside to Go Online

Three schools at the oldest university in the United States team up with 2U to start an online program in an emergent field.

For-Credit MOOC: Best of Both Worlds at MIT?

MIT students reported that taking course online -- instead of same course on campus -- was less stressful than their in-person classes.

The British MOOC Invasion

FutureLearn, the massive open online course provider owned by the Open University in the U.K., expands to the U.S.

A Sense of Belonging

Study finds completing a 10-minute activity at the beginning of a MOOC can lead to significantly improved outcomes for certain at-risk learners.

'First Step' Toward More Digital Undergrad Experience

Georgia Tech, having enrolled thousands of students in its well-regarded online master's degree program in computer science, expands its experiments with low-cost online education for undergraduates.

Humans, the Latest MOOC Feature

MIT experiments with instructor grading in massive open online courses as a way to expand teaching and learning opportunities for students and instructors.