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Richard Cordray speaks into a microphone

Richard Cordray Takes the Fall for FAFSA Fiasco

The Federal Student Aid chief and debt-relief czar is stepping down after months of criticism over the bungled FAFSA overhaul. But is now the right time for accountability?

Two scantron sheets with bubbles filled in to look like dollar signs

What’s Behind the ACT’s For-Profit Pivot?

The testing nonprofit was bought by a private equity firm last month, raising concerns about accountability and illuminating key forces of change in the assessment industry.

Two college graduates walk up a set of stairs, backlit with bright morning light.

Scaling Up: Texas Expands Transfer Degree Pathway Options

To improve transfer in the state, higher education leaders in Texas are working on curricular pathway plans for eight degree programs, helping students earn a degree faster, with less debt.

New York Will Require Students to Complete FAFSA or Opt Out

New York State will require public school districts to certify that every high school senior completes the Free Application for...
A sign reading “Free Tuition” is situation on a pile of money in front of an ivy-clad wall.

Is Financial Aid the New Affirmative Action?

Many highly selective colleges are pumping up their financial aid offerings. With race-conscious admissions out of the picture, it may be their best bet for diversity.

Wooden blocks spell out “FAFSA” atop a computer keyboard, next to two stacks of cash money.

Let’s Make Later Deposit Deadlines Permanent

Colleges are extending admission commitment deadlines due to FAFSA delays, but there’s no good reason they can’t do this every year, Chuck Knepfle writes.

Two men in suits sit at a table with microphones

FAFSA Reprocessing Could Take Weeks

The Education Department has begun reprocessing some student aid forms affected by calculation errors, under secretary of education James Kvaal...
An illustration of a wave, titled Corrections, threatening to wash over a building titled Financial Aid Office

After the FAFSA Quake, a Flood of Corrections

As delays to the FAFSA rollout piled up, so did an unusual number of errors, both on student forms and in the Education Department’s eligibility calculations.